





日本網膜硝子体学会は、これを政治問題ではなく人道上の問題として考えて、ウクライナの人々を支援します。網膜硝子体学会の仲間であるUkraine Vitreoretinal Societyに直接支援を試みていますが、連絡がつかないので、アメリカのThe Retina Society会員でPolandにおいてウクライナの眼科患者を支援しているDr. Andrzej Grzybowskiに寄付をいたします。まずは1000ユーロの寄付を行い、送金の安全を確認して、次の行動を起こすつもりです。


Announcement of Humanitarian Support
for Ophthalmic Emergencies
Due to the Military Invasion of Ukraine
April 18, 2022

The military invasion of Ukraine started in February 2022, and since then there have been numerous reports of immense civilian suffering, large numbers of indiscriminate civilian casualties and widespread destruction of civilian homes and facilities. The suffering of the Ukrainian people is difficult to comprehend, and the inhumanity of this war situation continues to this date. Personally, I find it difficult to believe that such human folly can occur in the 21st century, and I feel immense sadness but also a strong resolve to help.

On behalf of the Japanese Retina and Vitreous Society, I would like to express our solidarity with the Ukrainian people and our ophthalmology colleagues in Ukraine who are providing ophthalmic care to those who have been injured or are refugees due to the military invasion. In support of these medical emergency activities, the Japanese Retina and Vitreous Society has decided to make a monetary donation to the Ukrainian Society of Vitreo-Retinal Surgery via Professor Andrzej Grzybowski of Poland and fellow member of the Retina Society.

We sincerely hope for a quick and peaceful resolution to this conflict.

Taiji Sakamoto, MD
President, Japanese Retina and Vitreous Society

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